Piriformis syndrome is a condition that affects tons of people. In fact, some people might even experience piriformis syndrome a few times throughout their lives. 

Fortunately, chiropractic care can help those who suffer from piriformis syndrome find relief permanently. In this article, we’ll discuss piriformis syndrome and outline three ways in which chiropractic care can help patients overcome this tricky issue. 

What Is Piriformis Syndrome? 

Piriformis syndrome is a disorder in which the piriformis muscle, a muscle within the hip, becomes very tight. This muscle is responsible for rotating the hip, and it needs to be kept flexible and strong in order to do so. When this muscle is unable to stretch as it should, it can pinch the sciatic nerve, which runs underneath the piriformis.

Because of this, piriformis syndrome symptoms include issues that are common with all other nerve injuries. These include

  • Burning.
  • Stabbing.
  • Aching.
  • Electrical pain.

Additionally, patients with piriformis syndrome will often report stiffness and pain in their associated hip joints.

Often, these issues worsen when the person changes positions, such as the transition between sitting and standing. This positional change causes the piriformis to adjust, which can lead to a quick pull on the sciatic nerve. 

Piriformis syndrome can affect everyone: from young children to older adults. However, this issue is most commonly seen in office workers who sit for very long periods of time each day. Because they are confined to this position for hours, days, weeks, months, and years; they can develop extreme tightness in their hip musculature. 

Now, let’s take a look at how chiropractic care can help you overcome this issue.

3 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Piriformis Syndrome Sufferers

Chiropractic care offers an uncountable number of benefits for this population. However, these are the top three reasons why you need to see a chiropractor to address this issue!

Benefit #1: Increased Mobility

Because piriformis syndrome is often associated with stiffness in the low back and hips, increasing mobility is a must. Chiropractic treatments utilize pressure and angles to realign the spine. In doing so, your chiropractor creates more space between your joints, thus allowing for increased mobility. 

Mobility is one of the most important health considerations. This is because mobility combines both flexibility and strength. Essentially, mobility is how we move around each day. Therefore, if your chiropractor can help you with this issue, you need to go see them ASAP!

Benefit #2: Decreased Pain

As anyone who has experienced pain can attest: pain relief is the most important factor when dealing with a physical ailment. Chiropractic care is incredibly effective at reducing pain. By manipulating a specific part of your spine, your chiropractor can greatly reduce the discomfort you’re feeling from your sciatic nerve being compressed.

As the pain decreases the healing process can begin. Once you’ve resolved the pain, your body can start to rebuild any damaged tissues and you’ll be better able to complete your daily tasks and activities. 

Benefit #3: Improved Mood

Interestingly, chiropractic care can also help to improve your mental state, not just your physical state. When your spine is in perfect alignment, your brain is better able to function. 

Because piriformis syndrome is so painful and debilitating, patients can sometimes lose hope, falling into a state of depression. By relieving the pain, improving your mobility, and generally addressing your injury, your chiropractor can help you achieve better mental clarity, leading to an improved mood. 

You don’t have to suffer from piriformis syndrome anymore. Our dedicated team at Awaken Chiropractic, your go-to Parker chiropractor, is here to help. Book your appointment now!

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