Skiing and snowboarding can put significant stress on the body. After a long season of cutting down mountains and performing impressive feats on the slopes, you’ll likely be looking for good ways to recover and address your ski injuries.

Luckily, chiropractic care can help you recover and return to your life without pain after you’ve suffered a ski injury.

Is Skiing Dangerous? 

When considering participation in an activity, one should always weigh the relative risks and benefits inherent in said activity. 

When it comes to skiing, there are numerous considerations that must be made to determine whether or not it is a dangerous pursuit.

Inherent Risks in Sports and Physical Activities

First and foremost, it should be said that every sport and activity poses risks to participants. Basketball players are at high risk for ankle injuries, football players are at high risk for concussions, and baseball players are at high risk for shoulder injuries.

There isn’t a single sport or activity that is entirely risk-free. Even waking up in the morning and walking outside to get the paper poses a small level of risk!

Skiing puts participants at risk for injuries related to falls, such as broken wrists and concussions. Furthermore, skiers may suffer from knee injuries as a result of some of the maneuvers required to navigate down the slopes.

Luckily, these risks can be mitigated by taking the proper precautions.

Experience Level and Skiing Injuries

More experienced skiers are at lower risk for injuries. This is also true with regard to snowboarders and snowboarding injuries. 

To better understand this, imagine you are snowboarding down a steep slope. Up ahead, you see a jump that you had not noticed earlier, which is now impossible to avoid. A seasoned snowboarder will know various tricks to either navigate the jump or avoid it entirely. A novice snowboarder, on the other hand, is likely to suffer from a snowboarding accident in this situation. 

Strength and Athletic Ability

Even an inexperienced skier can reduce his or her risk level by increasing his or her general athleticism and strength. Essentially, people who are more athletic and strong will be more resistant to injury.

For instance, when a person with a low level of strength falls, he may suffer from a fracture or similar injury. A person with more strength, on the other hand, may be able to catch himself and only suffer a mild injury, or he may not sustain any injury at all. 

Similarly, more athletic individuals can also often avoid injury through a number of different methods.

Both strength and athleticism can be increased by working out in the off-season and playing as many different sports as possible, as often as possible. 

Chiropractic Care and Ski Injuries

Even if you do everything right, you can still suffer ski injuries. When this happens, you may be very upset and you may think that you will have to avoid skiing until your injury heals.

While this may be true in some cases, you can often expedite your recovery process through key healing methods, such as chiropractic care. 

Chiropractors are experts in dealing with painful conditions. By evaluating your spine and determining whether there are any underlying mechanisms that might be leading to delayed healing or excess pain, your chiropractor can often get you back in action very quickly.

Primarily, chiropractors use treatments known as spinal manipulations to correct any displaced segments of your spine. These treatments are extremely effective and many patients will walk out of the door after their first session with little to no pain at all.

Your Parker chiropractors at Awaken Chiropractic are here to help you with all of your ski and snowboarding injuries. Book your appointment with us right now!

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