As we get closer to summertime, people are planning their summer vacations to visit friends and family. A Market Watch report indicates that 1 in 3 Americans planned on taking summer road trips in 2020. Road trips can be an exciting time to explore new places and make new memories. However, long trips can take a toll on your physical health. This is why we created this article, which shares some tips to help prevent pain from interfering with your summer fun. 

1. Pick Up Your Luggage Properly

As you pack your vehicle, it’s important to lift your luggage carefully into your vehicle. When lifting, bend at the knees and use your leg muscles and hips to lift your luggage, rather than using your back. This will help avoid causing you back pain, which is never ideal for a long drive. If you have heavy items to lift, ask a friend or family member to help carry them.

2. Take Breaks

No matter how long your trip is, it’s a good idea to stop and take breaks every couple hours. This gives you time to stretch, walk around, go to the bathroom, and restore your energy levels. After all, being stuck in a vehicle can cause muscle stiffness and fatigue, as well as back, neck, and shoulder pain. You can perform some easy, quick exercises to reduce or prevent pain and stiffness. These exercises also increase your blood circulation, oxygen, and energy levels.

Road Trip Exercises:

  • Arch your back
  • Bend forward and touch your toes
  • Go on a short walk
  • Rotate your arms
  • Slowly roll your head from side to side
  • Stretch your arms across your chest

3. Eat Healthy

Fast food is a convenient option on the road. However, this type of food usually contains high sodium and sugar that only offers temporary energy boosts followed by a “crash” period. This is not ideal because you will become quickly fatigued and may slouch over. Slouching places excessive pressure on your back and neck, which can lead to back and neck pain.

Rather than eating fast food, you can pack various healthy foods for your trip. This will help you feel good and give you the lasting energy you need.

Healthy Food Suggestions:

  • Fruit
  • Low-sodium jerky
  • Nuts
  • Granola bars
  • Trail mix
  • Vegetables
  • Yogurt cups

4. Stay Hydrated

Like fast food, it can be tempting to grab sugar-rich drinks to keep you alert on the road. While these drinks may taste good, they only offer temporary energy boosts and they don’t provide the proper hydration your body needs. Indeed, water is the best choice to stay hydrated, especially during hot summer months.

Benefits of Drinking Water:

  • Helps prevent pain and stiffness
  • Helps prevent muscle cramping
  • Carries oxygen to your muscles, which prevents muscle spasms
  • Assists with proper digestion

5. Use A Good Back Support Pillow

When you sit in your vehicle for long hours, this usually causes you to slouch. Slouching is more comfortable than sitting up straight. However, slouching can contribute to you experiencing pain in your hips, lower back, mid-back, upper-back, and/or shoulders. You can also invest in a good back support pillow. This special seat pillow helps you maintain a healthy posture and reduce pressure placed on your spine.

6. Visit Your Chiropractor

Before your road trip, you take the time to get your vehicle ready. This involves checking your tire pressure, doing an oil change, and making sure your vehicle is in good condition for a long trip. Like your vehicle, you can benefit from visiting your local chiropractor to maintain your health and check for any health issues. Based on your health needs, you will receive a personalized chiropractic treatment that will help you maintain a healthy spine and address any spine misalignments you may have. Your chiropractor can help set you up for road trip success, so you can start your trip feeling good. When your spine is properly aligned, you are less likely to experience pain or discomfort.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to help you have a successful road trip. The last thing you want is to be suffering from back or neck pain on the road. Contact Awaken Chiropractic in Parker and Denver, CO today to learn how we can help you prepare for this summer’s adventures!

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