ADHD is an extremely common condition seen in children today. However, this disorder is no longer limited to just the younger population. In fact, many adults are also being diagnosed with ADHD these days.

It’s unclear exactly why so many people are being diagnosed with ADHD today. However, we have found a few key ways to help patients cope with this debilitating disorder. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at ADHD and demonstrate how chiropractic care can help you and your loved ones deal with the symptoms of this ailment. 

What Is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. As was mentioned in the introduction, this condition was classically only diagnosed in children. However, we now see many adults receiving ADHD diagnoses.

ADHD symptoms include things like:

  • An inability to sit still.
  • Constant fidgeting.
  • Difficulty focusing on any tasks.

Of course, there are other symptoms of the disorder as well, but the above three are most commonly seen in the patient with ADHD.

Top 3 Signs of ADHD

As was mentioned above, ADHD usually includes symptoms such as an inability to sit still, fidgeting, and trouble with concentration. In this section, we’ll take a look at three important signs you should look for if you suspect that you or a loved one might have ADHD.

Sign #1: Poor Performance in Class or at Work

One of the early signs of ADHD is the inability to focus while at work or in class. Many students will be referred for testing for ADHD when they report to their teachers or parents that they just can’t seem to focus, no matter what they do.

Similarly, some working-age individuals may have a ton of difficulty completing their daily tasks due to an inability to maintain focus. They may forget something a boss, coworker, or customer has told them, leading to poor job performance. 

Sign #2: Inability to Follow a Conversation

Some people with ADHD will remain quiet during conversations because they have so much difficulty keeping up with the topics being covered. This is a sad reality for many patients with ADHD, and one that often goes overlooked by clinicians, friends, and family.

Sign #3: Talking Too Fast

Many people with ADHD will talk very quickly and with little control over their thoughts and speech. They may feel like they need to keep talking before they forget what they were going to say, or they may just feel that they need to channel their excess energy into their speech. 

How is ADHD Treated?

Often, ADHD is treated with medication and therapy. The most commonly used medications to treat ADHD include Ritalin and Adderall. These medications make it easier for the patient to focus his or her attention and they are often helpful when the person is in class or at work.

While medications may be necessary for some patients with ADHD, these pills come with their fair share of risks. For example, both Ritalin and Adderall can cause heart issues and other unpleasant side effects. 

For those looking for a more natural approach, therapy and counseling can help tremendously. A behavioral therapist can help patients with ADHD learn to control their impulses, channeling their energy into more productive pursuits. But beyond therapy and medication, Chiropractic care can also help tremendously.

Chiropractic Care and ADHD

Chiropractors work to realign the spine when it has fallen out of the optimal position. By performing quick, targeted manipulations on important areas of the spine, chiropractors can often help people with ADHD improve their focus and decrease their symptoms. 

If you or someone you love has ADHD, you should consider chiropractic care. The professional team at Awaken Chiropractic, your local Parker Chiropractors, can help you today. Book your appointment now!

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