Diabetes affects millions of Americans today. In fact, diabetes is so common that we often see helpful shopping tips in the grocery store, which attempt to point diabetics toward better food choices and away from foods that will exacerbate the problem.

There are a number of lifestyle choices that can assist diabetics in managing their condition. However, chiropractic care should also be considered as a main treatment option for these individuals. In this post, we’ll take a look at how diabetics can manage their condition on their own and highlight three ways in which chiropractic care can help them along on this journey.


How to Manage Diabetes

When we discuss diabetes, we are usually referring to a specific condition known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. This issue occurs when the body is no longer able to effectively control blood sugar levels on its own, largely due to excessive consumption of sugary foods and a lack of exercise.

For this reason, managing non-insulin dependent diabetes usually involves some light exercise and dietary changes. 

That being said, chiropractic care can also help with this issue. Chiropractic treatments improve several areas of health, which lead to better insulin and blood sugar control in diabetics. Let’s take a look!


Way #1: Chiropractic Care Improves the Connection Between the Nervous System and the Rest of the Body

The central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, has connections to literally every single part of our bodies. While many body regions can function independently, to some extent, the brain can always influence or override these systems when necessary.

However, when the spine is out of alignment, the connection between the brain and body is disrupted. Chiropractors realign the spine by pressing on subluxated regions, pushing them back into optimal positions. In addition to reducing pain, this helps diabetics in myriad ways and enables the brain to “talk” to the affected body regions more easily.


Way #2: Chiropractic Care Improves Sensation

One of the biggest issues diabetics face is peripheral neuropathy. Put simply; this issue leads to decreased sensation in the feet and hands. Because of this, diabetics with advanced forms of the disease may not even feel it when they step on a nail or other sharp object. 

For this reason, many people with diabetes will wear large, protective shoes that are resistant to punctures. But if the issue can be corrected and the sensation restored to these areas, that is obviously a preferable option to having to wear clunky shoes all the time.

Chiropractic care improves sensation in areas of the body by encouraging blood flow to nerves and skin affected by diseases. This allows healing in general and a better ability to navigate one’s surroundings specifically. 


Way #3: Chiropractic Care Decreases Insulin Resistance

It’s not clear exactly why, but chiropractic care may decrease insulin resistance in diabetics, one of the key issues related to diabetes. Insulin resistance refers to the body’s inability to pull sugar out of the bloodstream, leading to glucose buildup in the blood. This can cause a number of devastating health issues. Through spinal manipulations and other treatments, chiropractors can help their patients battle this disease.

Of course, the chiropractic treatment approach works better when combined with a good diet and exercise plan, which should be individually tailored to every patient. But chiropractic care is a key piece of the puzzle for diabetes management. 

If you or a loved one are struggling to manage your diabetes, consider chiropractic care. Our dedicated staff at Awaken Chiropractic, your go-to Parker chiropractor, are here to help. Schedule your appointment now!

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