A sharp pain in the knee is every runner’s nightmare. When training for your next big race, the last thing you need is an injury standing in your way. 

But before you resign yourself to a life of elliptical machines and stationary bikes, let’s explore why and how chiropractic care can help you overcome your knee pain—more specifically, runner’s knee.

What is Runner’s Knee?

Runner’s knee is characterized by pain around or behind the kneecap, particularly where it meets the lower end of the thighbone (femur). It’s not exclusive to runners—despite its name, it can affect anyone who engages in activities that involve repeated knee bending, such as cycling, jumping, or even walking up stairs.

The causes of runer’s knee commonly include:

  • Overuse: This is also known as the “too much, too soon” syndrome that many eager runners fall victim to.
  • Biomechanical issues: Misalignments in your legs, ankles, or feet can throw off your running gait.
  • Muscle imbalances: Weak or tight muscles, particularly in the quadriceps and hip flexors, can lead to compensation and pain in the knees.
  • Poor running form: Poor form can impact your joints, and not in a good way!
  • Inadequate footwear: Those worn-out running shoes aren’t doing your knees any favors. Always ensure you have adequate footwear that provides the support and cushion your feet (and body) need.

The symptoms of runner’s knee further often include:

  • Dull, aching pain around or behind the kneecap
  • Pain that worsens when running, walking up or down stairs, or sitting for long periods
  • Swelling around the knee
  • A grinding or clicking sensation in the knee
  • The feeling of knee instability

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

When it comes to treating runner’s knee, chiropractic care is all about finding the root cause and addressing the whole body, not just the symptom. Here’s how chiropractic care can be your ally in the battle against runner’s knee:

  • Comprehensive Initial Assessment: Your journey to recovery starts with a thorough evaluation. Your Parker chiropractor assesses your entire biomechanical chain. This includes examining your spine, hips, ankles, and feet. We’ll nalyze your gait, check for muscle imbalances, and even consider factors like your running shoes and training routine. 
  • Personalized Care Plan: Just as every runner has a unique stride, every case of runner’s knee requires a tailored approach. Your chiropractor will develop a personalized treatment plan that may include:
  • Chiropractic adjustments: These techniques help to correct misalignments in your spine and lower extremities
  • Whole Body Approach: Your Parker and Highlands Ranch chiropractors understand that your body is an interconnected system. That knee pain might be related to issues in your lower back or even your neck. By taking a holistic approach, chiropractic care ensures that all parts of your body are working harmoniously to support your running habit.
  • Preventive Strategies: Beyond treating your current knee pain, your chiropractor will arm you with strategies to prevent future issues. This might include advice on proper running form, recommendations for supportive footwear, or a plan for gradually increasing your mileage without overstraining your knees.

If runner’s knee has been holding you back from hitting your stride, chiropractic care could be the missing piece in your recovery puzzle. At Awaken Chiropractic, our team is here to help. Book your appointment with our caring and compassionate team today; don’t miss that next race!

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