What you MUST know before taking your baby to a chiropractor. Is it safe for babies to get adjusted? Why would they need to? We will find out below!

Did you know parents around the country are taking their baby to a chiropractor, and it’s perfectly normal? Many parents make their way into our office to get their baby checked out even if there are no issues their baby is suffering from. We do see many babies for infantile reflux, bed wetting, ear infections, as well as general maintenance for their body.

Why Get Your Baby Adjusted?

You may be asking why babies come to get adjusted if they don’t have problems. Many time, during the birth process, there many be twisting or pulling on the head of the baby which will cause misalignments or subluxations as we call it in the chiropractic world. Although they may not have an immediate impact, they can lead to problems later in life such as headaches, migraines, and chronic neck pain.

A study a few decades ago found that up to 80% of infants were born with misalignments in their neck. We have also heard from medical staff that it takes 40-60lbs of pressure to pull on a babies head when delivering them. That’s a lot of pressure and twisting for an 8lb baby!

Many parents will bring their babies in so their baby does not turn into an healthy child or adult, rather a healthy baby turning into a healthy adult.

We find treating these are better when they are younger rather than trying to reverse it when they’re older.

Is it SAFE?

As for how safe it is for a baby to get adjusted, we don’t do any twist or cracking in our office for adults anyways. For infants it takes the weight of checking a peach for ripeness to adjust them. So it is very safe and very gentle for them to get adjusted.

If you have young ones, get them checked! If you know someone with babies, pass this along so they can help their family stay healthy! In addition, are offering a FREE initial visit to anyone who takes a chance and fills out their info below to get their family checked, or call our office and mention this article off our website. WE hope to see your family in our office like so many before it trying to keep their family happy and healthy.

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Yours in Health,

Dr. Alex Willard

Awaken Chiropractic


[email protected]

6208 E Pine Ln, Parker, CO 80138


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